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Year 2 & 2/3

Term: Autumn

Inquiry: Earth’s Energy 

During Autumn term we have been learning our new Talk for Writing text, The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch. We have been using amazing adjectives and proper nouns to innovate our own stories. In maths, we have been learning about place value and using lots of different resources to make numbers up to 100. We have also been learning about odd and even numbers.


In inquiry, we have been exploring different sources of light and looking at how light travels. We have loved building our own lighthouses, choosing the best material for our designs and testing them in the classroom. We have also loved measuring our own shadows! 

Next Term, we will be learning all about Hinduism in our inquiry ‘Our Diverse World’. We are super excited to learn some Bollywood Dancing in our up-and-coming dance workshop! In Talk for Writing, we will be looking at Jack and the Beanstalk and writing our own journey story. In maths, we will continue to learn about place value and will be solving addition and subtraction problems. 

Our PE day is Friday 

Book Bags must be returned every Wednesday for new books to be sent home on Fridays.  

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