In the Imitation Stage, teachers introduce a genre of writing with a creative and engaging ‘hook’, which captures the imagination of the children. Here are Blwyddyn 3 following clues on a hunt to find a pair of night vision goggles for their new Talk for Writing text, Billy the Spy.
After the hook, the children are introduced to a model text, which is filled with relevant vocabulary and language patterns. This is then learned using a ‘story map’ with actions and expression to strengthen memory and help pupils internalise the text. Activities such as drama are then used to deepen their understanding of the text.
Once pupils can ‘talk the text’, they begin to ‘read like a reader’ and ‘read like a writer’ to explore and analyse the text. It is at this stage, where the teacher, alongside the children, creates a toolkit, which identifies key features that are needed in the genre of writing. To develop the children’s confidence in language patterns, structure and vocabulary, they complete a number of short burst writing challenges which are supported by modelled and shared writes during carpet sessions.