Autumn Term
This term, School Council have been extremely busy. In our first session, we conducted a Pupil Voice session and during this they came up with their own ideas of how we could improve the school and raise money. So far, School Council have run and lead a fundraiser 'Children in Need', which was very successful and raised an amazing £560.
In addition to this, School Council have decided that they would like to hold a toy sale at the Christmas Fayre to raise money to improve the locks on the toilet doors and to buy mirrors for the girls toilets. The photos also show other ideas that we have come up with as a team to improve our school.
UNCRC - We are also starting to aim for the silver awards through the UNCRC Rights Respecting School. We are learning the song on this page and will be teaching the rest of the school after Christmas
Listen to "We stand together" using the above music player
During our second session, we conducted a pupil voice session to generate ideas of ways that we could raise money for 'Red Nose Day'. The children came up with some great ideas, and as a collective decided to hold a whole school 'crazy hair and crazy outfit day'! They also enjoyed a game of 'Snotty Nosey', where they had to throw a green ball into a giant red nose! We also showed off our funny talents in a whole school talent show and rained more money by selling red noses! It was a fantastic day with lots of fun raising money for a great cause.
For our final pupil voice session of this academic year, we took part in a team building morning, to build new friendships . We went outside to play hide and seek and parachute games where we had to work together to keep a ball on the parachute. We also worked in small teams to build a tall tower from blocks to balance a teddy on top. It was lovely to see the children interacting with peers from across the whole school and with children that they would not usually see throughout the day. It was also fantastic to watch the older children be great role models to their younger peers and encourage them to take part.